Generate random password

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Generate a random password using powershell.

# Usage: random-password <length>
Function random-password ($length = 15)
        $punc = 40..60
        $digits = 48..57
        $letters = 65..90 + 97..122
        $password = get-random -count $length `
                -input ($punc + $digits + $letters) |
                        % -begin { $aa = $null } `
                        -process {$aa += [char]$_} `
                        -end {$aa}
        return $password

Write-Host "Generating random password and copying to clipboard"
random-password 16 | clip
$text = & {powershell –sta {add-type –a; [windows.forms.clipboard]::GetText()}}
sleep -m 100
Write-Host "..."
sleep -m 100
Write-Host "..."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Green" "$text"

Example output:

PS C:\Users\lab>.\generate-random-password.ps1

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