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Show aggregate's

storage aggregate show

Example output:

Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
            2.91TB    1.52TB   48% online       1 netapp01-01    raid_dp,
           37.83TB    6.38TB   83% online      13 netapp01-02    raid_dp,

Snap mirror

Show snapmirror progress

snapm show -fields total-progress

Example output:

source-path                            destination-path                              total-progress
-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------
filersrv001_esxh:vol43_cluster003    filersrv002_esxh:vol43_cluster003_mirror    7.44GB
filersrv001_esxh:vol46_cluster001    filersrv002_esxh:vol46_cluster001_mirror    131.3GB
filersrv001_esxh:vol47_cluster001    filersrv003_exch:vol47_cluster001_mirror    -
filersrv001_esxh:vol49_cluster001    filersrv002_esxh:vol49_cluster001_mirror    -
filersrv001_esxh:vol51_cluster003    filersrv002_esxh:vol51_cluster003_mirror    104.1GB

Show snapmirror for volumes in transferring state

snapmirror show -status transferring

Example output:

Source            Destination Mirror  Relationship   Total             Last
Path        Type  Path        State   Status         Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            DP   filersrv002_esxh:vol43_cluster001_mirror
                                      Transferring   8.19GB    false   06/19 15:14:34


Show number of inodes

vvolume show -vserver testsvm001 -volume testvolume01 -fields files

Example output:

vserver           volume        files
----------------- ------------- --------
testsvm001        testvolume01  84999981

Increase number of inodes

volume modify -vserver testsvm001 -volume testvolume01 <number>

Cluster shutdown/startup


1. SSH To the cluster address

2. Set a maintenance window:

system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "MAINT=8h Power Maintenance"

3. Get a list of all the SP's and their IP's:

system service-processor show -node * -fields address

4. Exit the cluster SSH session

5. Open up SSH sessions to all SP's in the cluster using the admin credentials

6. Enter to system console mode:

system console

7. In one of the SSH sessions halt all the nodes in the cluster:

system node halt -node * -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true -ignore-quorum-warnings true -inhibit-takeover true

For clusters with SnapMirror Synchronous operating in StrictSync mode:

system node halt -node * -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true -ignore-quorum-warnings true -inhibit-takeover true -ignore-strict-sync-warnings true

8. Respond to all the questions about confirming if you want to stop node XXXXX with y

9. Wait until all SSH sessions are at the LOADER-A> prompt


1. Ensure storage switches are online

2. Power on the NetApp disk shelves

3. Power up the NetApp controllers

4. It should boot straight up but if you connect to the SP and its sat at a LOADER-A> prompt you can type:


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